Marathon Racing Committee
The Marathon Racing Committee exists to encourage club, regional, national and international marathon canoeing events.
The MRC comprises members elected by racing clubs at the Annual Consultative Meeting, and each member serves a two-year term, except the Chair who serves a one-year term. The MRC meets several times a year.
If you have any questions or issues to raise, please contact the Chairman or Secretary via their emails below. Please only use mobile phone numbers published for urgent safeguarding concerns.
Marathon Racing Committee Members :

Holly Mobbs
Communications & Publicity
Junior Athlete Development
Major Events
Wey Kayak Club
Co-opted members :
Regional Marathon Advisors :
Matthew Lodge
Jim Rossiter
London & South East
Phil Roberts
North West
Brain Chapman
Evan Shephard
Emma Riley
South West
Vicky Simmons
South West
Mick Nadal
West & East Midlands
Graham Simpkin
Stuart Sherman
Regional Marathon Advisors are usually elected annually by the active racing clubs in their region. Full details of their role and the process of their election can be found within the racing rules.