Category: ACM

Marathon Racing Committee ACM 2024 Papers

The Marathon Racing Committee’s 2024 Annual Consultative Meeting will be taking place online at 8pm on Monday 8th July, as previously advertised.

As a reminder, please make sure your club has registered to vote for the ACM to ensure you are represented.

Please see below for all relevant papers for this years edition. Any questions, please direct them towards the MRC Secretary, Anoushka Freeman, here.

Election of Committee Members: Recruiting now!

The MRC will be re-electing committee members at the ACM on the 8th July. 

We are always looking for passionate people to join the committee and help drive positive change forward within the sport. 

If you are interested, please get in touch ASAP at [email protected]

There are various roles available with differing levels of commitment. 

We’d love to hear from you!

Notice of 2024 Marathon Racing Committee ACM

Please note that the Marathon Racing Committee ACM will be taking place on the 8th July at 8pm. 

Each club needs to nominate a representative to receive voting rights during the ACM. This can be done on the link below and should be done by 10pm on Monday 1st July:

The ACM offers a formal space for the marathon racing community to engage with the committee and support the development of the sport further. We strongly encourage ALL clubs involved with marathon racing to attend and nominate a representative to vote. We also encourage ALL members of the marathon racing committee to attend even without voting rights.

Incidentally, the MRC are looking for feedback on increasing participation at the Short Course National Championships and would be delighted for any feedback from individuals/clubs before the ACM. Please also ensure this is complete by 10pm on Monday 1st July so that your views can be heard!

Feedback can be shared here:

Thank you!

ACM Change of Date

We have had to postpone the MRC ACM to Wednesday 12 July. This will still take place on Zoom, starting at 7.30 and lasting approximately 1 hour.

The Agenda and papers are all in the pdf pack below, along with the Zoom link. Please note, we do encourage paddlers to bring up any topics that they would like the MRC to discuss/review during the year, and there is an opportunity for that at the end of the meeting.

MRC Annual Consultative Meeting 2023 – Initial Information

The MRC Annual Consultative Meeting will take place online on Wednesday 28 June 2023, starting at 7.30pm.  This will include the elections for the 2023/24 committee.

Joining details for the meeting will be available on the MRC website nearer the time, as will a full set of papers.  Each BC affiliated club which has participated, or has an interest, in marathon racing is entitled to a vote, and that club’s voting member will need to be registered in advance.

In addition to the annual election of the Chair this year there will be an election for seven committee members.  

The following are due for re-election and have expressed an intention to stand again to stand again:

  • Stan Missen (Chair) – elected annually
  • Graham Warland
  • David Enoch
  • Evan Shephard
  • Holly Mobbs

Standing down mid-term or/not seeking re-election:

  • Dyson Pendle
  • Kat Wilson
  • Siobhan Urquhart

Anyone wishing to stand for a place on the MRC must inform the Secretary of their candidacy by 18 May 2023.  They must be a full member of British Canoeing and be proposed and seconded by two other full individual members of British Canoeing.  

Standing as an elected member of the MRC is a great way to make a difference to our sport and be involved directly in how it is run. Committee members are expected to attend around four meetings per year (there is usually an online option), and to play an active role in the administration of the discipline in between meetings.  Roles covered by those named above include:  Treasurer, Committee secretary, rules, short course, communications, junior development, secretary to Selection Committee, major events, safeguarding and race management.  If you are interested in standing and becoming involved in any of the above, please feel free to contact the Chair (Stan Missen) or Secretary (Siobhan Urquhart) by 18 May, supported by two full members of British Canoeing. 

Anyone wishing an item to be raised at the ACM needs to be a full member of British Canoeing and have submitted it to the secretary by 18 May 2023 supported by two additional full members of British Canoeing.

Other items may be discussed at the meeting at the Chairman’s discretion.

Email addresses:
Stan Missen – Chair – [email protected]
Siobhan Urquhart – Acting Secretary – [email protected]

ACM election results

Many thanks to all those who attended the online 2022 MRC ACM on 13 July 2022.  Apologies again for the problems with the initial Zoom link – these were beyond our control, but hopefully everyone managed to get there in the end.

The results of the elections were:

Chairman – Stan Missen (Bradford-on-Avon)

Committee – Scott Hynds (Elmbridge), having previously been co-opted onto the committee, along with Mick Nadal (Nottingham), Kat Wilson (Reading), David Sackman (Reading), Roland Lawler (Elmbridge), Bryn Price (Maidstone), and Siobhan Urquhart (Banbury), who were all re-elected.  All will serve a period of two years.  Details of the full committee can be found here.

The committee will be meeting on Sunday 11 September 2022 (before the start of the Pangbourne Hasler) with the annual all-day meeting on Saturday 19 November 2022 at Cropredy.  We will continue to consider the issues raised at the ACM and, if you have further comments to make on those, or anything else you would like the committee to discuss, please contact either the chair (Stan Missen) [email protected], or the secretary (Siobhan Urquhart) [email protected].

MRC ACM and Committee Nominations

The MRC 2022 ACM will be held online on Wednesday 13 July at 7.30pm.

A reminder that anyone wishing to stand for a place on the MRC must inform the Secretary (Acting) of their candidacy by 1st June 2022.  They must be a full member of British Canoeing and be proposed and seconded by two other full members.  This year, in addition to the annual election of Chair (currently Stan Missen) we have the following whose terms are up but can stand for re-election: Mick Nadal, David Sackman, Kat Wilson, Siobhan Urquhart and Bryn Price.  There is also a vacancy due to the sad death of James Smythe.

Standing as an elected member of the MRC is a great way to make a difference to our sport and be involved directly in how it is run. Committee members are expected to attend around four meetings per year, and to play an active role in the administration of the discipline in between meetings.

In addition to the annual election for the Chair, other duties currently covered by those named above include deputy chair, secretary to the committee, racing rules, secretary of the selection committee, international team logistics, national events and masters’ racing,

If you are interested in standing and becoming involved in the above, please feel free to contact the Secretary (Acting), Siobhan Urquhart, or the Secretary (Acting) by 1st June, again supported by signatures of two full members of British Canoeing.  Other items may be discussed at the meeting at the Chairman’s discretion.

Email addresses:
Stan Missen – Chair – [email protected]
Siobhan Urquhart – Acting Secretary – [email protected]