David Green

David Green

The MRC was saddened to learn of the passing of David Green. Amongst his many roles, David was Secretary of the Marathon Committee in the 1980’s, acting as Chair from 2000 to 2003, and was President of Exeter Canoe Club.  His influence can be seen throughout our sport – from his significant involvement in the early days of marathon racing, joining the Long Distance Racing Committee in 1958 and serving in various roles including National Coach and International Secretary; to the innovative design and development of modern racing boats at Kirton Kayaks.  However, perhaps most importantly, his legacy will live on through the time and energy he gave to many, many paddlers over the years, who all owe him a great debt.  A tribute to David from British Canoeing can be found here, and from Kirton Kayaks here.  Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.