K1/C1 & K2/C2 Assessment Weekend June 10/11th

K1/C1 & K2/C2 Assessment Weekend June 10/11th

This assessment weekend will have a singles long course race on the Saturday and doubles long course race on the Sunday. The assessment will be used for the following:

  • Lead assessment for the European Championships
  • The K2 assessment will be used with the Short Course Nationals as joint lead assessment for the Sanabria K4 (date now updated in the selection policy here).
  • Continuous assessment for the World Championships (although is not the lead assessment for selection to this international)

To be considered for selection for the below internationals, you must complete the availability forms by Midnight on Wednesday 7th June

The assessment weekend was due to take place in the Thames Valley. Unfortunately, this has not been possible due an extremely high number of regattas and fates taking place over the same weekend on this stretch of the Thames. Elmbridge have kindly offered to host again. We would like to thank them. It not only keeps the event close to the original area announced but it also an excellent venue for the assessment weekend. We would like to recognise that the K2 race clashes with Royal’s Hasler, which is unfortunate as it is in the same region. We hope that this change in location does not impact their event.

Due to a local raft race, the busy time of year on the Thames, and to reduce interclass wash hanging, the starts will be split across the day into two starts. The Saturday will see a large gap between starts to avoid the local fete raft race. The Sunday starts will be run back to back. We appreciate the timetable may not be ideal for some, however Elmbridge have taken a lot of time to consider the best way to execute a professional and fair assessment event which is reflected in the schedule they have produced. They will shortly publish the race pack and open entries to the event. When open, entries can be found on the entry site: K1/C1 Entries, K2/C2 Entries.

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the Selection Policy: 2023 Selection Policy. If you have any further questions regarding the Selection Process, please contact the Chair of the Selectors, Nanette North on: [email protected]