JDS Winter Series 2023/24 – Day 4 Sign-up

JDS Winter Series 2023/24 – Day 4 Sign-up

The Marathon Racing Committee, Sprint Racing Committee and BC Talent Department are excited to announce the sign-up for the fourth JDS Winter Series 2023/24 day is now open. This is the final winter skills day of the 2023/24 season.

Run from Reading Canoe Club, the day is a K4/C4 day with a focus on helping paddlers develop comfort and adaptability within these boats through increased exposure and time.

For more information about the JDS, including entry criteria and to sign up please click HERE. As a reminder, the cost is £10. Sign up closes on Friday 8th March at 17:00. Late entries won’t be accepted.  Please also check the criteria for athletes attending and if in doubt, contact Charlie Barwis and Holly Mobbs using the emails on the website.

Please note that due to the ongoing difficult weather conditions, we are monitoring the river at Reading and will make a final decision on the event on Monday 11th March. If cancelled, we will of course issue refunds.

If you have any issues with sign up, please contact [email protected].

Coaches are also encouraged to sign-up for the day. Coaches attending will play an important role in supporting the delivery of the sessions planned within smaller groups. As such, by signing up you may take the lead of a smaller group or play a supporting role to another coach, whichever you are most comfortable with. Scott Hynds will be there on the day as coach developer and he will be facilitating informal learning throughout the day. As usual, there will be a coaches briefing ahead of the day. This will take place on Tuesday 12th March at 19:30.

All coaches attending will receive 10 CPD points. To sign up to attend the coach development aspect of the day please click HERE