Notice of 2024 Marathon Racing Committee ACM

Notice of 2024 Marathon Racing Committee ACM

Please note that the Marathon Racing Committee ACM will be taking place on the 8th July at 8pm. 

Each club needs to nominate a representative to receive voting rights during the ACM. This can be done on the link below and should be done by 10pm on Monday 1st July:

The ACM offers a formal space for the marathon racing community to engage with the committee and support the development of the sport further. We strongly encourage ALL clubs involved with marathon racing to attend and nominate a representative to vote. We also encourage ALL members of the marathon racing committee to attend even without voting rights.

Incidentally, the MRC are looking for feedback on increasing participation at the Short Course National Championships and would be delighted for any feedback from individuals/clubs before the ACM. Please also ensure this is complete by 10pm on Monday 1st July so that your views can be heard!

Feedback can be shared here:

Thank you!