Category: Rules

Change from Event Tickets to Single Event Membership – Racing Update

There is a change to what used to be Event Tickets (ET). Temporary PaddleUK membership for an event is now available online as a Single Event Membership (SEM). Paddlers entering without either On the Water Membership or Club Associate Membership via an Affiliated Club will need to purchase SEM where they used to use an ET. This can be done while entering.

Race Organisers will need to be aware that the paper ET form should no longer be used or payments taken which will reduce their tasks. 

Team Leaders and Paddlers will need to be aware that they need to purchase SEM if they do not have other membership of PaddleUK. Team Leaders should however use Club Associate Membership if at all possible where a club paddler does not have On the Water Membership of PaddleUK. The link to Membership classes on the PaddleUK Website is

The system has been tested and appears to work fine, but should an issue arise, please let Mick Nadal know.

Safety Reminders: Marathon Races

Following a number of incidents over the past 12 months, race organisers are reminded of the recommendation in Part C of the Marathon Racing Rules. See below for a summary of Item 3 from Part C.

3.      SAFETY

Safety measures are largely at the discretion of the organiser, since courses and conditions vary considerably. All paddlers ranked in Divisions 7, 8, & 9 or competing in GST and fun races must wear a buoyancy aid [Rules 5 (a)(v) and 56 (a)]. Make sure you have adequate safety cover for all GST and Div 9 races.  On the open sea it is wise to insist on buoyancy aids for all. On open water, rescue boats are very important. Ensure that no one is stranded or lost halfway round the course; it is important to account for all competitors. On calm water it is usually sufficient to have a back marker paddling the course. Marshals at turns and portages should carry safety equipment including an absolute minimum of space blanket or similar, throw line and mobile phone. Where possible a checklist of boat numbers will help marshals tick off those who have passed them.

All Race organisers shall appoint a Safety Officer, prepare a Risk Assessment and Safety Plan well ahead of their event and put in hand appropriate safety measures. Risk Assessments must be forwarded to the Regional Marathon Advisor before the event.

Paddlers, parents & Team Leaders are also reminded how important it is to keep race organisers informed of information such as health issues, retirements or incidents that may occur during a race.

Updated Club Colours for Gloucester Canoe Club in 2023 Season

Gloucester Canoe Club have announced new club racing colours for their club which is active as of now for the 2023 season. Club members will be wearing the below vest while racing but might still wear the old vest for the time being.

You can view all active club racing colours on our website here.

2023 UK Anti-Doping Prohibited List

Check the Prohibited List ? – Not knowing is not enough.

The 2023 Prohibited List is available to read now and comes into effect on 1 January. Read about the Prohibited List over on UK Anti-Doping‘s website below.

SUPs at Hasler Races

Following a recent request regarding SUPs in Hasler races, below is a note from the MRC Minutes of November 2018 –

Item 7 Domestic Racing – Point g. “It was agreed that these craft (including SUPs) should not be forced upon race organisers, but race organisers would be free to accept entries from such craft in appropriate circumstances, if they felt confident to do so within their risk assessment.” .

Inclusion of SUPs remains at the discretion of the organisers, but the MRC (subject to any concerns raised by the race organiser) would fully encourage SUPs to partake in the marathon events that they oversee.

As they are propelled by a single blade the paddler’s classification would be as for canoe, according to age and gender.

Race Etiquette

It has come to the notice of the MRC that there have been a small number of complaints regarding paddler behaviour during recent events, aimed towards other, slower crews taking part in the same event.  It should be borne in mind that everyone is racing in their respective class, and faster crews should respect slower crews who will also be competing in their own race.  Faster crews coming up behind another boat should try and indicate their presence and avoid conflicts with the crews they are catching and passing.  A friendly warning shout is acceptable, aggression is not.

Additionally, at a recent event the starter was sworn at for not starting the race early, when most but not all crews were lined up.  Such behaviour is totally unacceptable and could lead to disqualification from the event or a longer ban.

Please be courteous towards all other competitors and the marshals at events.