

Exciting Coach Development Opportunity!

British Canoeing are running a series of Coach Development sessions to support non-Olympic discipline coaches with Jenny Coe throughout April, May and June.

Sessions will explore a variety of different coaching topics, including coaching environments, personal development and wellbeing and challenging conversations. All sessions are free and you can attend all topics or just the topic that’s relevant/interesting to you.

Places are capped at 20 spaces and you will receive 5 CPD points for attending each session.

For further details and to book your spaces, visit the link below.

Selection for the German Nationals and World Cup

The first assessment race of the season will be held at Elmbridge Canoe Club on the 22nd of April. This will be used for continuous assessment for the 2023 major championships and for the selection of the following events:

  • German Nationals – Rheine – 19-21st May
  • World Cup – Ruse, Bulgaria – 2nd-4th June

To be considered for selection for either of the above events, you must complete the appropriate availability form by midnight on the 18th April.

The details of the first assessment race and online entry can be found here: Assessment Race Elmbridge 22nd April

NB: Entries close at 5pm on the 19th April. There will be no entries on the day. Elmbridge Canoe Club are hosting, so any questions regarding the race need to be directed to them.

Please familiarise yourself with the Selection Policy. This is linked below. If you have any further questions about the assessment or selection process, please contact the Chair of the Selection Committee, Nanette North, here.

Update to Marathon Selection Policy 2023

The selection policy has been updated for March 2023 to include confirmation of the venue of Elmbridge Canoe Club for the first assessment race on Saturday 22nd April.

Another amendment is that the MRC have had to adjust the athlete contributions in line with the current inflationary environment to enable the trips to run as scheduled. These changes can be found in sections 3.3.b and 3.3.c of the selection policy.

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the policy. Any questions, please direct them to Nanette North, the Chair of the Selection Committee.

Volunteer at Short Course Nationals 2023

We are seeking volunteers to help us run the National Short Course Marathon Championships 2023 on Sunday 7th May. Whether it’s helping with set-up on the Saturday or marshalling during the racing or even commentary, we need your help to make this amazing event even better.

If you are interested in volunteering even a little amount of time over the weekend, fill in the below form and the Short Course Nationals Race Leads will be in contact in due course. Thank you!

Division 1 K2 at Hasler Races 2023

Based on athlete feedback, the Marathon Racing Committee are excited to announce the addition of a Division 1 K2 to a select few Hasler Races. In recent years, there has been no provision for Division 1 standard K2’s to race on a regular basis due to lack of engagement from paddlers historically. This addition will allow Division 1 ranked paddlers, as well as Division 2 ranked paddlers, to race K2’s outside of assessment and selection. This could be with a potential selection-worthy boat, supporting younger juniors to race up or to race mixed boats.

The following races have agreed to host a Division 1 K2 race during the 2023 season:

  • Nottingham Hasler – Sunday 30th April
  • Worcester Hasler – Sunday 14th May
  • Norwich Hasler – Sunday 21st May
  • Reading Circuit Hasler – Sunday 28th May
  • Falcon Hasler – Sunday 25th June
  • Richmond Hasler – Sunday 18th June

These events have been selected due to timing’s in the racing calendar, location in reference to current Division 1 paddlers and course specifics that will allow for good racing.

The MRC would strongly encourage Division 1 and Division 2 paddlers to engage with this provision.

For more details on how Division 1 K2 will work at the above Hasler’s, visit our race organisers information document below.

JDS Skills Day 4 – Sign up open now

The Marathon Racing Committee are delighted to open sign up for the final JDS Skills Day of the 2022/23 season. Joint organised and run by the MRC, Sprint Racing Committee and British Canoeing Talent Department, JDS is aimed at junior paddlers (U18) who are looking to develop their flatwater racing skills. The training days will offer paddlers the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people and paddle in new waters. 

The fourth JDS skills day of the 2022/23 season will be a multi racing skills day at Holme Pierrepont in Nottingham. Paddlers will be split into smaller groups and work around 4 activity/session stations throughout the day. Each activity station will be led and delivered by a specialist coach. The stations will consist of the following:

  • Station 1 – Race day warm up routines (land based)
  • Station 2 – Starts from a bucket (K1/C1)
  • Station 3 – Three buoy turns (K1/C1)
  • Station 4 – Plan, Do, Review (K4/C4)

There will also be a lunchtime sport psychology talk focusing on motivations and finding your strengths. This will be based off the JDS booklet.

For more details on the day and how to sign up, please visit our website here.

We are also excited to offer more specific coach development workshops throughout the day led by Scott Hynds. For more information and how to sign up, please visit our coaching website page here.

Short Course Nationals is back – SAVE THE DATE!

Short Course Nationals is back for a second year! Come join us at Nene Park, Peterborough for a fun and exciting day of racing on Sunday 7th May.

More details to follow in the coming months!

Marathon Selection Policy 2023

The Marathon Selection Committee are excited to announce the 2023 selection policy is now live on the international selection website page on the Marathon Racing Committee website.

Any questions on the policy should be directed to the chair of selection committee, Nanette North, via her email here.

GB-One Coaching Conference

British Canoeing have identified that there are not many opportunities for the flat water racing community, especially sprint community, to come together to create connections, enable conversations and to discuss learnings and work happening within the World Class Programme. Anything that involves club, community and coach collaboration is supported by the MRC.

Being hosted by Reading Canoe Club on Saturday 4th March, the GB-One Conference is completely free to attend. Sign up is now open and will close on the 17th February. Sign up here if you are interested.

British Canoeing Competition Hardship Fund

British Canoeing has created a hardship grant for eligible English athletes who are having financial difficulties, or whose family circumstances mean they are at a disadvantage relative to their peers. The grant can be used towards athlete contributions to international competition, travel and accommodation for competition and entry and accreditation fees.

For full details on the grant and the full policy, visit the British Canoeing article here.