We are delighted to announce that the 2021-22 Hasler season has started, from 1st September. The inter-club Hasler competition and paddler qualification rules will re-start from the first races of this new season, with qualification towards the 2022 Hasler Final in September next year.
Hasler races will now be available to enter through the new Race Entry System.
The start of the season will see one rule change: the first in-region boat in each division will earn 50 points (100 for K2s/C2s), with points decreasing by one for each position as usual. The reason for increasing the points is that some start lines see over 20 paddlers, so there will still be points to race for below this position. There will still be a 110% cut-off time, where paddlers outside this time will earn a single point.
An organising club and venue for the 2022 Hasler Final have been proposed – confirmation and announcement to follow.